What to say? The govt shows no sign of improving its approach. Every week over 1000 people are dying, including on average three children. If we don’t even look after the children, what sort of society have we become? Outside an increasingly small percentage of the population, masks, social distancing and other measures have been abandoned. Its still a legal requrement to mask up in certain situations, but utterly unenforced. Its true that you need proof of vaccination or recent recovery to get into nightclubs and gigs, but no such rule applies in pubs, restaurants, or shops. Or schools for that matter.
Meanwhile the papers barely menion the UK’s stats any more, preferring to talk about growing problems elsewhere. Austria has a law forcing unvaccinated people to shield and has reintroduced other covid measures as rates rocket. Germany and the Netherlands have similar laws and rules being reintroduced, as again rates spiral while idiots riot and complain about “muh ritz”.
But here’ the kicker: these countries all started with much lower death rates than the UK. They got Covid under control and kept it there for months. The UK dismally failed. So our rate has not gone up, simply because IT NEVER WENT DOWN. The brits crowing that we’re alright jack, should consider that.
As for why Austria etc are taking action – the graph below explains it.