Another 700 dead, though things seem to be plateauing a bit. Here’s hoping. No real news about lifting restrictions, though every country in the union except England has already extended by 3 weeks.
John is really ill. The doc phoned Anne today and said he’s not responding to treatment. They can’t wean him off oxygen and his temperature keeps spiking, while the antibiotics don’t seem to be clearing his pneumonia. The only option is to try a ventilator but they won’t do that as he has too many underlying conditions. So we just have to hope.
Over in the US, trump continues to derail. He’s now defunded the WHO claiming they are biassed against America because they didn’t warn him soon enough. They effing warned him in January, he just chose to do nothing till March.
We spoke to D&C again this evening by whatsapp. They seem ok, if bored. Theyve both done a challenge for charity, david ran 5 km and Cat cycled it. The idea is you do it, donate £5 to charity then challenge 5 other people. Hope nobody challenges me!
UK curves do look better though which is hopeful. Maybe plateauing on deaths and new cases? Maybe.